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Same Soul
The Astrology of Sequential Reincarnation, Volume 2
Par Michael De Baker
En bref
Therapeutic evolutionary astrology
Evolutionary astrology's claim is that the south of the Moon and its ruler in a chart provide information about past-life selves created by the soul. For lack of proof, this claim has gone unsubstantiated for almost fifty years.
Proof is finally rendered in this groundbreaking book. Six well-documented and published case studies of sequential reincarnation...
1 - James M. Huston Jr. (1923-1945) & James Leininger (1998- )
2 - Lou Grhrig (1903-1941) & Christian Haupt (2008- )
3 - Jack Phillips (1887-1912) & Paul Amirault (1963- )
4 - J. Carroll Beckwith (1852-1917) & Robert L. Snow (1947- )
5 - Gen. John B. Gordon (1832-1904) & Jeffrey J. Keene (1947- )
6 - Alexander Herrmann (1916-1941) & Stéphane Allix (1968- )
... provide evidence to support evolutionary astrology's claim, at once setting a new EA methodological benchmark.
Where in the past evolutionary astrologers have had to work from the south node of the Moon toward an unknown past-life personality, through these proven reincarnation cases we are now, for the forst time ever, in the unique position to do things the other way round: from a know past-life personality we work our way back to the chart belonging to the later life.
In all six case studies, the full past-life story is shown to be exquisitely etched into two symbols in the chart belonging to that next life: the south node of the Moon and the south node ruler.
Biographie de l'auteur :
Michael De Baker is a licensed regression therapist and evolutionary astrologer from Holland, who currently lives in Spain where he holds a private practice. He runs the EA School Online where he trains students who wish to become certified therapeutic evolutionary astrologers. His first books, Intercepted Signs: Encoded Messages from the soul, Chiron: Trauma Key, and Same Soul: The astrology of Sequential Reincarnation are available on Amazon.